Specialist Data Core Engineering and Delivery Unit IT
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Azienda: Vodafone Ivrea
A special focus is required on solution for enterprise customers such us, Corporate Data Access solutions, MPN, Fixed Mobile substitution and similar services.
Design and implementation of solution for MVNO (both FULL and ESP MVNO).
Manage relationships with local counter parts in the cluster countries, in particular network operations, marketing and demand teams for the implementation of network capacity management or configuration activities, special projects and commercial products both for consumer and corporate customers.
Key accountabilities and decision ownership:• Local in-country implementation of the Data Core Network Evolution Plan o Align and steer local engineering implementation in the cluster countries to the regional strategy and roadmap o Delivery of the engineering strategy for Data Core• Ownership and maintenance of the country Data Core Low Level Design• Detailed Engineering of complete DATA CORE NW in the country including Packet switch and data platforms. • Direct management of the interface with regional and local in-country operations teams• Defining, planning and scheduling all data core network activities and interventions• Being accountable for those activities and analysing/reporting relevant issues concerning risk, cost/benefit, effectiveness and efficiency• Optimisation activities looking for the best data performance.
Key performance indicators:• Data CORE engineering and delivery in the countries in the cluster. • DATA CORE performance and customer experience in the cluster. • DATA CORE network harmonization following general guidelines and design criterias Core competencies, knowledge and experience:• Deep sensitivity to and experience with operational and execution challenges and issues coming from the countries constituting the cluster• Create an end-2-end visibility and comprehension of Data Core networks and issues in the specific countries of the cluster• Identifying/understanding the best opportunities for in country improvements within Data Core in line with regional strategy, analysing potential risks of that strategy for these specific countries and supporting Planning Design and Dimensioning team to adjust/improve the plan if needed. • Strong established relationships with stakeholders in the cluster countries, namely with local operational and commercial/demand teams and stakeholders.
Must have technical / professional qualifications: • University degree: telecommunication degree with more than 3/5 years of experience. • Solid knowledge of NW design / architecture and CORE NW experience • Operational experience• Good stakeholders management • Strong performance & customer orientation • Ability to work across multi-functional and cultural boundaries to deliver results/change• Results oriented. • Established networking in the countries of the cluster. • Data service performance management experience• Established networking or closeness with other engineering domains also deeply impacting performance such as transmission, radio, etc.
✔ Vodafone