30 annunci di lavoro per designer a Santa Marinella (RM), Lazio
Annunci di lavoro della tua zona, con la valutazione in base al feedback rilasciato dalla community e il nostro algoritmo di intelligenza artificiale. Aiuta anche tu i candidati in cerca di lavoro, lasciando un "Mi piace" sugli annunci che ritieni interessanti e validi.
Digital Recruiting Week Santa MarinellaIn the context of the DRW STEM II event taking place from October 14th to 18th, ELT Group is seeking recent graduates or current students in STEM fields. Main Responsibilities Definition of Technical specifications, hardware requirements and implementations for digital designs targeting FPG As (...2 mesi fa20Scarsohelpthumb_up Mi piace
Digital Recruiting Week Santa MarinellaAWR MWO, ecc) Computation electromagnetics via 2. 5D/3D solvers (i. e. ADS Momentum, CST, Ansys Designer / HFSS) Basic in measurement automatization via LabVIEW or equivalent tool Education Master’s, Degree in Electronics or Telecommunication Engineering, specialized in RF/ Microwave design, Computational Electromagnetics Additional Information: From October 14th to 18th, ELT Group2 mesi fa20Scarsohelpthumb_up Mi piace
Model Based Designer - AEROSPACE
Alten Italia Spa Santa Marinellavalori. ALTEN ha l’obiettivo di abbattere ogni barriera e pregiudizio, garantendo un ambiente di lavoro accessibile ed accogliente, valutando candidature indipendentemente da genere, etnia, disabilità30Discretohelpthumb_up Mi piace
Tristar Hospitality
Aurelia82!, Santa Marinella (RM) -
Hardware Design Engineer - AEROSPACE
Alten Italia Spa Santa Marinellavalori. ALTEN ha l’obiettivo di abbattere ogni barriera e pregiudizio, garantendo un ambiente di lavoro accessibile ed accogliente, valutando candidature indipendentemente da genere, etnia, disabilità36Discretohelpthumb_up Mi piace
Digital Recruiting Week CivitavecchiaIn the context of the DRW STEM II event taking place from October 14th to 18th, ELT Group is seeking recent graduates or current students in STEM fields. Main Responsibilities Definition of Technical specifications, hardware requirements and implementations for digital designs targeting FPG As (...2 mesi fa20Scarsohelpthumb_up Mi piace
Digital Recruiting Week CivitavecchiaAWR MWO, ecc) Computation electromagnetics via 2. 5D/3D solvers (i. e. ADS Momentum, CST, Ansys Designer / HFSS) Basic in measurement automatization via LabVIEW or equivalent tool Education Master’s, Degree in Electronics or Telecommunication Engineering, specialized in RF/ Microwave design, Computational Electromagnetics Additional Information: From October 14th to 18th, ELT Group2 mesi fa20Scarsohelpthumb_up Mi piace
Trova nuovi candidati!
Iscrivi la tua azienda e contatta subito i candidati della tua zona, a partire da 18,90€Guarda i candidati di Santa Marinella (RM) -
Model Based Designer - AEROSPACE
Alten Italia Spa Civitavecchiavalori. ALTEN ha l’obiettivo di abbattere ogni barriera e pregiudizio, garantendo un ambiente di lavoro accessibile ed accogliente, valutando candidature indipendentemente da genere, etnia, disabilità3 mesi faIngegnereIngegnere gestionaleFormazioneIngegnere meccanicoCategorie protette30Discretohelpthumb_up Mi piace
Hardware Design Engineer - AEROSPACE
Alten Italia Spa Civitavecchiavalori. ALTEN ha l’obiettivo di abbattere ogni barriera e pregiudizio, garantendo un ambiente di lavoro accessibile ed accogliente, valutando candidature indipendentemente da genere, etnia, disabilità8 mesi faCategorie protetteFormazionePrima esperienza31Discretohelpthumb_up Mi piace
Digital Recruiting Week AllumiereIn the context of the DRW STEM II event taking place from October 14th to 18th, ELT Group is seeking recent graduates or current students in STEM fields. Main Responsibilities Definition of Technical specifications, hardware requirements and implementations for digital designs targeting FPG As (...2 mesi fa20Scarsohelpthumb_up Mi piace
Digital Recruiting Week AllumiereAWR MWO, ecc) Computation electromagnetics via 2. 5D/3D solvers (i. e. ADS Momentum, CST, Ansys Designer / HFSS) Basic in measurement automatization via LabVIEW or equivalent tool Education Master’s, Degree in Electronics or Telecommunication Engineering, specialized in RF/ Microwave design, Computational Electromagnetics Additional Information: From October 14th to 18th, ELT Group2 mesi fa20Scarsohelpthumb_up Mi piace
Digital Recruiting Week TolfaIn the context of the DRW STEM II event taking place from October 14th to 18th, ELT Group is seeking recent graduates or current students in STEM fields. Main Responsibilities Definition of Technical specifications, hardware requirements and implementations for digital designs targeting FPG As (...2 mesi fa20Scarsohelpthumb_up Mi piace
Digital Recruiting Week TolfaAWR MWO, ecc) Computation electromagnetics via 2. 5D/3D solvers (i. e. ADS Momentum, CST, Ansys Designer / HFSS) Basic in measurement automatization via LabVIEW or equivalent tool Education Master’s, Degree in Electronics or Telecommunication Engineering, specialized in RF/ Microwave design, Computational Electromagnetics Additional Information: From October 14th to 18th, ELT Group2 mesi fa20Scarsohelpthumb_up Mi piace
Quojobis Ladispoliè valutata in base all'esperienza della persona. Orario: full time dal lunedì al venerdì. Sede di lavoro: Cattolica (RN). Si richiede la residenza a Cattolica o limitrofi. Inviare lettera di, presentazione, CV e Portfolio. Le offerte sono rivolte a candidati ambosessi (L. 903/77). Si invitano i candidati a leggere la nostra privacy policy ( Regolamento UE, Ruolo: Grafica/ Design/...45Discretohelpthumb_up Mi piace
Digital Recruiting Week CerveteriIn the context of the DRW STEM II event taking place from October 14th to 18th, ELT Group is seeking recent graduates or current students in STEM fields. Main Responsibilities Definition of Technical specifications, hardware requirements and implementations for digital designs targeting FPG As (...2 mesi fa20Scarsohelpthumb_up Mi piace
Digital Recruiting Week CerveteriAWR MWO, ecc) Computation electromagnetics via 2. 5D/3D solvers (i. e. ADS Momentum, CST, Ansys Designer / HFSS) Basic in measurement automatization via LabVIEW or equivalent tool Education Master’s, Degree in Electronics or Telecommunication Engineering, specialized in RF/ Microwave design, Computational Electromagnetics Additional Information: From October 14th to 18th, ELT Group2 mesi fa20Scarsohelpthumb_up Mi piace
Digital Recruiting Week LadispoliIn the context of the DRW STEM II event taking place from October 14th to 18th, ELT Group is seeking recent graduates or current students in STEM fields. Main Responsibilities Definition of Technical specifications, hardware requirements and implementations for digital designs targeting FPG As (...2 mesi fa20Scarsohelpthumb_up Mi piace
Digital Recruiting Week LadispoliAWR MWO, ecc) Computation electromagnetics via 2. 5D/3D solvers (i. e. ADS Momentum, CST, Ansys Designer / HFSS) Basic in measurement automatization via LabVIEW or equivalent tool Education Master’s, Degree in Electronics or Telecommunication Engineering, specialized in RF/ Microwave design, Computational Electromagnetics Additional Information: From October 14th to 18th, ELT Group2 mesi fa20Scarsohelpthumb_up Mi piace
Model Based Designer - AEROSPACE
Alten Italia Spa Cerveterivalori. ALTEN ha l’obiettivo di abbattere ogni barriera e pregiudizio, garantendo un ambiente di lavoro accessibile ed accogliente, valutando candidature indipendentemente da genere, etnia, disabilità3 mesi faIngegnereIngegnere gestionaleFormazioneIngegnere meccanicoCategorie protette30Discretohelpthumb_up Mi piace
Model Based Designer - AEROSPACE
Alten Italia Spa Ladispolivalori. ALTEN ha l’obiettivo di abbattere ogni barriera e pregiudizio, garantendo un ambiente di lavoro accessibile ed accogliente, valutando candidature indipendentemente da genere, etnia, disabilità3 mesi faIngegnereIngegnere gestionaleFormazioneIngegnere meccanicoCategorie protette30Discretohelpthumb_up Mi piace
Hardware Design Engineer - AEROSPACE
Alten Italia Spa Ladispolivalori. ALTEN ha l’obiettivo di abbattere ogni barriera e pregiudizio, garantendo un ambiente di lavoro accessibile ed accogliente, valutando candidature indipendentemente da genere, etnia, disabilità5 mesi faCategorie protetteFormazionePrima esperienza35Discretohelpthumb_up Mi piace
Hardware Design a 19 km da Santa Marinella
Alten Italia Spa CerveteriPrevisione stipendio medio: circa €30.000-40.000 all'anno
Esperienza: almeno 1 anno
Titolo di studio: Laurea Triennale/Specialistica in Ing. Elettronica o Affini
9 mesi faPrima esperienzaFormazioneCategorie protette31Discretohelpthumb_up Mi piace
Digital Recruiting Week Canale MonteranoAWR MWO, ecc) Computation electromagnetics via 2. 5D/3D solvers (i. e. ADS Momentum, CST, Ansys Designer / HFSS) Basic in measurement automatization via LabVIEW or equivalent tool Education Master’s, Degree in Electronics or Telecommunication Engineering, specialized in RF/ Microwave design, Computational Electromagnetics Additional Information: From October 14th to 18th, ELT Group2 mesi fa20Scarsohelpthumb_up Mi piace
Digital Recruiting Week Canale MonteranoIn the context of the DRW STEM II event taking place from October 14th to 18th, ELT Group is seeking recent graduates or current students in STEM fields. Main Responsibilities Definition of Technical specifications, hardware requirements and implementations for digital designs targeting FPG As (...2 mesi fa20Scarsohelpthumb_up Mi piace
Digital Recruiting Week ManzianaAWR MWO, ecc) Computation electromagnetics via 2. 5D/3D solvers (i. e. ADS Momentum, CST, Ansys Designer / HFSS) Basic in measurement automatization via LabVIEW or equivalent tool Education Master’s, Degree in Electronics or Telecommunication Engineering, specialized in RF/ Microwave design, Computational Electromagnetics Additional Information: From October 14th to 18th, ELT Group2 mesi fa20Scarsohelpthumb_up Mi piace
Digital Recruiting Week ManzianaIn the context of the DRW STEM II event taking place from October 14th to 18th, ELT Group is seeking recent graduates or current students in STEM fields. Main Responsibilities Definition of Technical specifications, hardware requirements and implementations for digital designs targeting FPG As (...2 mesi fa20Scarsohelpthumb_up Mi piace
Model Based Designer - AEROSPACE
Alten Italia Spa Manzianavalori. ALTEN ha l’obiettivo di abbattere ogni barriera e pregiudizio, garantendo un ambiente di lavoro accessibile ed accogliente, valutando candidature indipendentemente da genere, etnia, disabilità3 mesi faIngegnereIngegnere gestionaleFormazioneIngegnere meccanicoCategorie protette31Discretohelpthumb_up Mi piace
RE/MAX ITI Casa RE Lido di Tarquinia - Lavora con noi
Lido di TarquiniaLavorare come consulente immobiliare in RE/MAX ITI Casa RE significa diventare imprenditore di se stessi, godere della libertà di organizzare la propria vita personale e professionale, fare carriera senza limiti prefissati di guadagno, ottenere fino all'85% delle commissioni, e avere supporto dai...21Scarsohelpthumb_up Mi piace
Th.Kohl srl Tarquinia - Lavora con noi
TarquiniaSiamo sempre alla ricerca di nuovi colleghi sia giovani che già esperti. Mansioni ricercate: Falegname, montatore, designer d'interni, disegnatore tecnico, funzionario commerciale, specialista marketing, amministrativo. Richieste o requisiti: Essere maggiorenne e acconsentire al trattamento...28Discretohelpthumb_up Mi piace
EDUFORMA s.r.l. Tarquinia - Lavora con noi
TarquiniaTesoriere, Disegnatore, Barista, Sviluppatore, Addetto alle Pulizie, Cameriere, Fresatore, Designer Grafico, Analista Dati, Carpentiere, Sistemista, Magazziniere, Segretario, Chef, Cartongessista,In evidenza13 mesi faLavoro segretaria SistemistaLavoro inglese Segretaria part time MagazziniereMarketingIngegnerePart time Operaio Cuoco Web marketingImpiegatoGrafico Oss Saldatore Cameriere Barista Pulizie35Discretohelpthumb_up Mi piace
Digital Recruiting Week BraccianoAWR MWO, ecc) Computation electromagnetics via 2. 5D/3D solvers (i. e. ADS Momentum, CST, Ansys Designer / HFSS) Basic in measurement automatization via LabVIEW or equivalent tool Education Master’s, Degree in Electronics or Telecommunication Engineering, specialized in RF/ Microwave design, Computational Electromagnetics Additional Information: From October 14th to 18th, ELT Group2 mesi fa20Scarsohelpthumb_up Mi piace